Core Features

We offer abundant resources and an outstanding learning environment. Our modern teaching facilities, cutting-edge laboratories, and research equipment provide students with the best conditions for learning. Our professional and enthusiastic faculty are dedicated to delivering high-quality education and personalized guidance. Additionally, we have multiple research centers with rich academic resources to support innovative student research. Here, you won't just be a student; you'll be a future leader in the field of public health!


a professional learning environment and problem-based teaching that develops students’ critical thinking


diverse courses and faculty, and a comprehensive university that supports inter-disciplinary research


engagement with the community and enthusiasm for social services

Research and Education Highlights

Our curriculum covers Health Technology Assessment and the latest public health research methodologies, aimed at developing students' analytical and practical skills. We emphasize the integration of theory and practice and provide field investigations and research opportunities to enable rich learning experiences. Studying here prepares students to become essential contributors to community health protection and promotion.

Maternal-Child Health

Nurturing Youth

Our department is actively involved in several international research projects focused on maternal and child health, such as the Childhood Cancer & Leukemia International Consortium (CLIC). This provides our students with valuable opportunities to participate in global initiatives, enhancing their experience in international collaboration and exchange.

Research Highlights

Besides conducting research on childhood cancer and participating in the CLIC international research team, we also emphasize the importance of a life course perspective in epidemiologic research. Collaborating with the Departments of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Pediatrics at National Cheng Kung University Hospital, we examine the associations between various preconception factors and child development.

Knowledge Translation

Our research on child mortality and its causes provides the government with an evidence-based foundation for improving the quality of reporting data.

Looking Forward

Recognizing women and children as vulnerable populations, our future research will continue to adopt a life course epidemiology perspective. We will explore the impact of maternal environmental exposures during pregnancy on fetal and child health. Additionally, we will conduct a series of studies on the health of mothers and offspring in the context of assisted reproductive technology. These efforts aim to provide valuable insights for shaping national fertility and reproductive health policies.

Our Diverse Students






5fromNorth America






3fromSouth America
Last Update:2024-07-03